If you are preparing for the database administrator (DBA) job?
If yes, you are at the perfect spot for getting the right SQL Queries Interview Questions and topics that can help you to get your dream job. These questions and answers are handpicked for freshers as well as experienced.
SQL Queries Interview Questions and Answers
SQL is the most popular data management query language. In addition, it supports relational data, which helps to manage huge amount of data with required relations.
The given below SQL interview questions requires some data for explanation of SQL queries. You can refer the following data tables for examples.
Table – StudentDetails
StudId | Name | EnrollmentNo | DateOfJoining |
11 | Nick Panchal | 1234567 | 01/02/2019 |
21 | Yash Panchal | 2468101 | 15/03/2017 |
31 | Gyan Rathod | 3689245 | 27/05/2018 |
Table – StudentStipend
StudId | Project | Stipend |
11 | P1 | 80000 |
21 | P2 | 10000 |
31 | P1 | 120000 |
Write an SQL query to insert a new student detail in StudentDetails table.
Ans. We can use the INSERT query to insert data into SQL database table.
INSERT INTO StudentDetails(StudId,Name,EnrollmentNo,DateOfJoining) Values('51','Ashish Patel','2468653','09/03/2019');
Write an SQL query to select a specific student detail in StudentDetails table.
Ans. We can use the SELECT query to select data from the SQL database table.
SELECT * FROM StudentDetails WHERE Studid = '31';
Write an SQL query to update a project detail in StudentStipend table.
Ans. We can use the UPDATE query to update data into the SQL database table.
UPDATE StudentStipend SET Project = 'P3' WHERE Studid = '31';
Write an SQL query to drop a StudentStipend table with its structure.
Ans. We can use the DROP query to drop the SQL database table.
DROP TABLE StudentStipend;
Write an SQL query to delete only StudentDetails table data.
Ans. We can use the TRUNCATE query to delete data from the SQL database table.
TRUNCATE TABLE StudentDetails;
Write an SQL query to fetch student names having stipend greater than or equal to 50000 and less than or equal 100000.
Ans. Here, we can use BETWEEN in the ‘where’ clause to return the StudId of the student with stipend satisfying the required criteria and then use it as subquery to find the Name of the student form StudentDetails table.
FROM StudentDetails
(SELECT StudId FROM StudentStipend
WHERE Stipain BETWEEN 50000 AND 100000);
Write a query to fetch student names and stipend records. Return student details even if the stipend record is not present for the student.
Ans. Here, we can use left join with StudentDetail table on the left side.
SELECT St.Name, S.Stipend
FROM StudentDetails as St LEFT JOIN StudentStipend as S
ON St.StudId = S.StudId;
Write an SQL query to fetch all student records from StudentDetails table who have a stipend record in StudentStipend table.
Ans. We can do the required operation using EXISTS clause in the SQL query.
SELECT * FROM StudentDetails as St
(SELECT * FROM StudentStipend as S WHERE St.StudId = S.StudId);
Write an SQL query to fetch the number of students working in project ‘P1’.
Ans. Here, we can use the aggregate function count() with the SQL WHERE clause.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM StudentStipend WHERE Project = 'P1';
Write an SQL query for fetching duplicate records from a table.
Ans. To find duplicate records from the table, we can use GROUP BY clause on all the fields and then we have to use HAVING clause to return only those fields whose count is greater than one, i.e. the rows having duplicate records.
SELECT StudId, Project, Stipend, COUNT() FROM StudentStipend GROUP BY StudId, Project, Stipend HAVING COUNT() > 1;
Write an SQL query for removing duplicates from a table without using a temporary table.
Method 1: Using Group By and Having clause
DELETE FROM StudentStipend
FROM StudentStipend
GROUP BY Project, Stipend
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1));
Method 2: Using rowId in Oracle
DELETE FROM StudentStipend
(SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM StudentStipend GROUP BY StudId);
Write an SQL query for fetching all the Students who also have enrollment No from StudentDetails table.
Ans. Here, we can use Self-Join as the requirement wants us to analyze the StudentDetails table as two different tables, each for Student and enrollment records.
FROM StudentDetails S
INNER JOIN StudentDetails E
ON S.StudId = E.EnrollmentNo;
Write an SQL query for creating a new table with data and structure copied from another table.
Ans. We can perform the required operation using the SELECT INTO query.
SELECT * INTO newTable FROM StudentDetails;
Write an SQL query to fetch a joint record between two tables using intersect.
Ans. We can fetch a joint record between two tables using INTERSECT clause as mentioned below.
SELECT * FROM StudentStipend
SELECT * FROM EnrollmentDetails
Write an SQL query for fetching records that are present in one table but not in another table using Minus.
Ans. We can add the MINUS clause to exclude some rows from the resultant rows as mentioned below.
SELECT * FROM StudentStipend
SELECT * FROM EnrollmentDetail
Write an SQL query to fetch count of students project-wise sorted by project’s count in descending order.
Ans. In the mentioned below query first, we fetch the project-wise count and then sort the result by count. For project-wise count, we use GROUP BY clause, and then we use ORDER BY clause for sorting operation, on the alias of the project-count.
SELECT Project, count(StudId) StudProjectCount
FROM StudentStipend
GROUP BY Project
ORDER BY StudProjectCount DESC;
Write an SQL query for creating an empty table with the same structure as some other table.
Ans. We can use MySQL LIKE clause with CREATE statement.
CREATE TABLE newTable LIKE StudentDetails;
Write an SQL query for finding current date-time.
Ans. SQL queries for various Databases are as described below.
SQL Query In Oracle
SQL Query In SQL Server
SELECT getdate();
SQL Query In MySQL
Write an SQL query for fetching only even rows from the table.
Ans. We can achieve this using Row_number in SQL server.
SELECT St.StudId, St.Project, St.Stipend
SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER(ORDER BY StudId) AS RowNumber
FROM StudentStipend
) St
WHERE St.RowNumber % 2 = 0
Write an SQL query for fetching all the Students details from StudentDetails table who joined in the Year 2018.
Ans. We can perform the required operation using BETWEEN for the date range ’01-01-2018′ AND ’31-12-2018′.
SELECT * FROM StudentDetails WHERE DateOfJoining BETWEEN '01-01-2018' AND date '31-12-2018';
Also, we can extract the year part from the joining date (using YEAR in MySQL).
SELECT * FROM StudentDetails WHERE YEAR(DateOfJoining) = '2018';
Write the SQL query to find the nth highest stipend from the table.
Ans. SQL queries to find the nth highest stipend form the table for various Databases are as described below.
Using Top keyword (SQL Server)
SELECT TOP 1 Stipend
FROM StudentStipend
Using limit clause(MySQL)
SELECT Stipend FROM StudentStipend ORDER BY Stipend DESC LIMIT N-1,1;
Write SQL query for fetching top n records using LIMIT?
Ans. SQL queries for fetching top n records using LIMIT for various Databases are as described below.
In SQL server using the TOP command
SELECT TOP N * FROM StudentStipend ORDER BY Stipend DESC
In Oracle using ROWNUM
Write a query for fetching only the first name(string before space) from the Name column of StudentDetails table.
Ans. Here, we have to first fetch the location of the space character in the Name field, and then we can extract the first name out of the Name field using LOCATE method in MySQL, CHARINDEX in SQL SERVER, and for fetching the string before space, we will use SUBSTRING OR MID method.
MySQL- Using MID
SELECT MID(Name, 0, LOCATE(' ',Name)) FROM StudentDetails;
SELECT SUBSTRING(Name, 0, CHARINDEX(' ',Name)) FROM StudentDetails;
We can also use LEFT which returns the left part of a string till specified number of characters.
SELECT LEFT(Name, CHARINDEX(' ',Name) - 1) FROM StudentDetails;
Write an SQL query for fetching only odd rows from the table.
Ans. We can achieve this using Row_number in SQL server.
SELECT St.StudId, St.Project, St.Stipend
SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER(ORDER BY StudId) AS RowNumber
FROM StudentStipend
) St
WHERE St.RowNumber % 2 = 1
Write SQL query for finding the 3rd highest stipend from the table without using TOP/limit keyword.
Ans. We have to use of correlated subquery for finding the 3rd highest stipend the inner query will return us the count of till we find that there are two rows that stipend higher than other distinct stipends.
SELECT Stipend
FROM StudentStipend Stud1
WHERE 2 = (
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT ( Stud2.Stipend ) )
FROM StudentStipend Stud2
WHERE Stud2.Stipend > Stud1.Stipend
For nth highest stipend
SELECT Stipend
FROM StudentStipend Stud1
WHERE N-1 = (
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT ( Stud2.Stipend ) )
FROM StudentStipend Stud2
WHERE Stud2.Stipend > Stud1.Stipend
Read Also: MySQL Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers
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This is all about SQL Query interview questions with complete answers. I am sure it will help you in cracking the Database administrator (DBA) interview as an experienced or a fresher, and it will increase your confidence, too.
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