Topics in PHP

How to Sort Array in PHP [Explained With Examples]

Sometimes we need to sort the data of an array in either ascending order or descending order. It is always helpful to sort the array data for searching specific data from a group of data. There are two types of sorting, such as in ascending order or in descending order. PHP provides inbuilt functions for […]

What Is Isset() Function in PHP and How to Use It

Sometimes you require to check wheater the variable is set with the value or not. And based on the result, some further cations are taken in PHP. It is necessary to check this type of condition when you get all data from the input fields of the form and set all data to different variables […]

What Is the PHP Array Foreach Loop and How It Is Different From for Loop

In PHP language, there are different types of arrays like an indexed array, associative array, and multidimensional array. We use them according to our requirements. Sometimes we need to print the values of an array. We can print them using the echo method as follows: Example 1 Suppose we have an array of different shapes, […]

PHP MySQL Insert Data

In this unit, we will see how to insert data into database tables. To insert data into the MySQL table, we have to create a MySQL table first. Please read the below article to create a MySQL table. Read Also: PHP MySQL Create Table We have to make a SQL query using the insert into […]

PHP MySQL Create Table

In this unit, we will learn how to create a MySQL table. To create a table with the given name, we must have the create privilege for the table. By default, tables are created in the default database, using the InnoDB storage engine. An error occurs if the table exists, if there is no default […]